Tennessee beat Memphis yesterday, 41-7... more on that in a moment.
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From the CA:
Anticipated roadway nightmare of game and fair avertedHuh? Ok, I cannot speak for anywhere else but Southern because that is where I sat in the same spot for nearly an hour (7:30 to 8:30 am). And to be fair the article claims that is where most of the problems were. And maybe the probs were isolated there & traffic can be deemed a success. But what I witnessed was chaos. The right lane was backed up as people wanted to turn right into the Coliseum parking lot. But folks driving in the left lane sped up to beat all the right lane traffic & then promptly cut-in... that's called impeding traffic, but nobody stopped it.
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Also from the CA,
Tennessee overwhelms toothless TigersToothless Tigers? Ok, hard to argue with that one. What I will argue with are a couple of claims made on my postgame radio show yesterday afternoon.
1) The team & coaches gave up: I call BS on this one. I promise you that was a statement made from a fan that gave up by leaving at the end of the third quarter. The TD at 3:44 in the 4th wasn't from a team that gave up. I think this caller had confused exhaustion with giving up.
2) The Coach ain't worth the money he is paid: everytime a game is lost the first thing disgruntled fans do is point to the $$$. Here's where you are wasting time with that argument... what a coach is paid is irrelevant because you still expect the same result, right? And that would be wins, whether he makes $100,000 or multi-millions. And ultimately, high-priced coaches get their results or they don't keep their job.
3) Why aren't we recruiting (insert high school name here): perception is reality, whether it's the truth or not. NCAA coaches cannot specifically talk about who they are recruiting, so some disgruntled fans assume we just don't recruit them.
Finally, if you have questions about playcalling, recruiting, giving up, salaries, schemes, etc., Tommy West will talk to you about it. Yup, I guarantee it. I am yet to see the man run from one single question. His radio show is tomorrow night at 7 p.m. on NewsRadio 600 WREC. The number is 1-866-489-7043.
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Ok, about the game itself... I am very disappointed. I was expecting it to be closer & more competitive. It seems after the bogus offsides call which negated an interception-returned-for-touchdown, things started spiralling downwards. Would things have been different had that not been called? Probably not. But you never know & BS calls shouldn't dictate the flow early in what was still a competitive football game.
Folks, let's be honest. Things are scary right now. Next Saturday's trip to UAB is as big as they come & Memphis hasn't beaten the Blazers since 1999. But the good news to all of this is there are eight games left to play & this season could take a positive turn. Fans are just down & worried because they did not see a glimmer of hope through yesterday's loss.
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Just to totally change the subject, but one of the worst-kept secrets in the city has come to light: Michael Heisley is sharing his stake in the Memphis Grizzlies to a group led by Brian Davis.
Several news outlets have reported since the spring that a deal is imminent. Well, add
the Commercial Appeal to the mix, as they quote sources in the NBA in this morning's edition.