My Corner of the World

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy new year & welcome to 2007. Yes, I've already screwed up two checks by writing the wrong date. I should have 2007 committed to memory before March, though.

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Hopefully 2007 will bring me more time to update this space. I like doing it. I see potential for things we can do here. Heck, at it's peak last year before my return to full-time employment the hits were growing. It's a great way to stay in touch, it's convenient & it's a creative outlet, too.


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What better day to return than when contraversy was sparked once again by the Memphis mayor. It seems Willie Herenton wants a new football stadium. It's an election year & it should be interesting to see how it plays out.

We had several guests on Memphis Morning News this morning on NewsRadio 600 WREC. You can go to our website & hear several interviews regarding the matter, including Memphis athletic director R.C. Johnson & city councilman Jack Sammons.

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